Southern Latitudes: Key West

“Mother, mother ocean, I have heard you call…”

I’ve been around the world and back. No matter how far I wander, or all the amazing incredible things I see, no place quite holds the draw to my heart that Key West does. Maybe because its surrounded by water, haunted by spirits of pirates, and clothed in salty air. But it just feels like home.






Escape to the sea, anytime. Shop these prints and more, here.

Old Sheldon Church

If you smile when you are all alone, then you really meant it… -Andy Rooney


It’s Springtime in the South… well sorta anyways. The cold winter air, still nips in the morning and as the late afternoon sun sets. We have chilly days and then we have warm ones, and then the chilly days are back. But those beautifully warm days, scream Spring. Spring is coming! So naturally shaking of the long dull dust of winter, my soul is screaming, “Where are we going to next”? Where indeed.

The very best part of moving to a new place is all the newness that surrounds you. There are so many places to go, so many new things to see and experience. Here in the lower depths of the South, there is no shortage of places to explore. Some places hold such magnetism, you just can’t resist. Once you hear about them you just have to go and see for yourself. The Ruins of Old Sheldon Church is a place just like that. Irresistible.

This amazing place is located on a side road just off of Highway 17, it would be easy to miss if you didn’t know what you were looking for. One second you’re driving down a Oak lined road littered with Spanish Moss and the next you’re driving past this:




If walls could talk… Old Sheldon Church still stands despite having been burnt during the American Revolution, rebuilt and then ransacked for building materials during the Civil War. Ancient gravesites litter the church yard, and in the very heart of the church itself lies on of Savannah’s more famous founders John Bull. This amazing places has it all history, mystery, and a good bit of soul.

Keep up with the adventure on Instagram @rebellephoto

Feel like doing a little shopping, check out more of my work in my Etsy, visit here.


Driftwood Beach

Art is everywhere. I am constantly reminded that nature is the greatest artist of all. Wherever you wander in this great wide world, there are secret treasures waiting to be discovered, hidden places anxiously awaiting the curious and the adventurous. Your own backyard or across the vast ocean, wherever you may be there is magic just waiting to be witnessed.

I recently walked with wonder, among ancient giants who guard our coasts. This is Driftwood Beach, on the remarkable Jekyll Island, Georgia. Isn’t it just spectacular?



















Love these images? Curious about where else I’ve been or am going? Follow along with the blog and visit my online gallery at

See an image you just have to have? Shop my online store here.

Secret Gardens: Bright White

Nature is amazing.

You can stand on the rim of the Grand Canyon and be absolutely mesmerized and blown away by the shear grandeur of it all. Massive, awe inspiring, almost unbelievable. Or, you can stroll through a garden in springtime. quiet, simple, small. The rebirth of new life blooming all around you. Its a miracle almost equal in its mysticism to its splendor. Nature is amazing.

A few more shots from my springtime strolls, through beautiful gardens at the very peak of their perfection…

2littleblooms littlewhites Peartree whiteblooms WhiteCamelia

Love these images? Curious for more? Visit my online gallery at: or stop by my Etsy shop and pick out your favorites, visit here.

Secret Gardens: Pretty In Pink

Spring is in the air! The whole world is awash with color and new life. With so much bursting beauty all around sometimes its hard to know where to look! Spring is a great time for gardens, picnics, and late afternoon strolls.

Sarah P. Duke Gardens, on the picturesque campus of Duke University is the perfect spring spot to enjoy nature in all its vibrant glory. A few images from my walks and wanderings in this springtime paradise.







Thanks for visiting! These images and others are available for sale in my Etsy shop, visit here.

Under The Sea

“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
― Albert Einstein


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There is a world of magic and wonder, just below the waves. A world worth and in desperate need of protecting. In the US and around the globe, groups are working hard to save these special places and the creatures that inhabit them. To learn more about what you can do to protect the seas please visit:

Curious about these images? They were captured with a high resolution infrared resolving camera. If would like to purchase these or similar images please visit my online shop, here.

Life Is A Carousel…

Life can be crazy. Life can be overwhelming. Everyday we try to juggle this and handle that. I heard someone say the other day that they felt like a hamster on a wheel running and running and always circling back to where they started. Hamster on a wheel, no way.

Life is like a circus, like a carnival. Full of vivid colors, squeals of joy mixed with trepidation, and feverous excitement that fills the air like static.  The pure and simple joy of spinning around and around on a majestic vibrant carousel, who’s characters have stood witness to the children we all once were and will embrace our children’s children as old friends some day. Life is just like a carousel, and   I could spin forever…



These images and are available for purchase in my Etsy shop, please click here to visit. Follow along on Facebook, like Rebelle Photography here.

Southern Gothic: Beaufort’s Old Burying Ground

This is going to sound strange. I love graveyards. If you’re cocking your head to the side as you read this, your suspicions aren’t misplaced. I can’t explain it, its such an odd attraction, especially for someone who in general is a fan of the chipper, sunshinyer side of life.

They have a magic about them, rich in history, steeped in mystery. I always find myself wondering why people avoid them. And avoid them they do! Try it on for size sometime, mention to a complete stranger how you love to stalk around cemeteries, and take in the view and I can guarantee you their view of you will be a slight bit skewed. If you take a moment to think about it its really not all that odd. Graveyards after all are not built for the dead but rather as a place for the living- to visit, to commune, to contemplate.

Odd as it may seem. Graveyards are cool. Southern graveyards in particular hold a special sort of charm. The Old Burying Ground in Beaufort, NC is no exception. The final resting place of privateers, sailors, and even children. History is in no short supply. Famous to infamous, this small cemetery boasts big stories of lives well lived and lost. 13





Love these images? Keep up with me on Facebook, by liking the page here.  To purchase these images and more visit my Etsy shop, visit here.

Snow Day

I love snow. Especially when its fresh. There is a quiet that falls over the world when it snows. People stay in, the critters hide away, and once it all settles everything is clean and new. Snow has a magic all its own. treeline branchingout bench copy winterwhite winterjay       brighwhite Love these images? Stay in touch, like me on Facebook here.  To purchase these images and more, visit my Etsy shop here.

Burr Berries…

A week ago, I sat at my computer complaining about the rain, the wind, the cold. Today I’m snuggled in with a hot cup of tea, watching the snow pile up outside my window. Its hard to believe the “official” start of Spring is only 24 days away. Pretty soon we’ll be seeing blooms in place of berries…









For now, lets embrace the last days of Winter, the fresh, quiet solitude of a snow day, and a warm cup of cocoa. Days like today, leave me wishing for Winter all year long.

Just have to have some of these berries for yourself? Purchase these prints and more online at my Etsy shop! Visit here.